July 16, 2008

Doing my 5 Dance

I got a 5! I got a 5! I got a 5! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!! I got my Ap results today and I got a 5, like yo couldn't already tell! I am so excited. I started screaming, and shaking, at then frantically trying to call my mom. Gabby called me to tell me her score, she got a 5 too, and then I looked outside and saw the mail and was like "OMG its here" and gabby was like open it with me, so I did. At first I seriously thought I failed. There a line that says the expected entrance date of college and it said Fall 10, and I thought it said fail not fall, then I saw the 5 at the bottom and I freaked. Then I called my mom but she wouldn't pick up her phone, so one of her co-workers picked up her phone and told me she wasn't at her desk, so I told her my news, and she said she would tell my mom to call me right back, which she did. Then I told her and she was all excited. Then Steven called me, he got a 5 too, so we were talking for a bit about the test. Then he hung up and Page started texting me. She got a 5 too, but apparently she found out a while ago by calling a number to get her score, so her excitement wore off. I am so excited! AHHHHHHHHHH

Paulina's sleeping over tonight, so were gonna make more videos making fun of Win. Should be fun.
Till Next Time

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