February 22, 2009

Set Builiding and 50's Hair & Make-Up

Today I slept, til 12, which was great. Then I went to set building at 1:30 and painted, and painted, and did more painting. The hair and make up work shop was today at 6, and all the guys got their hair cut, and my friend Zack got all of his gorgeous, soft hair chopped off. =[ It was pretty sad. My hair got styled, so I just have to figure out how to recreate the look. Tomorrow is homework day; I have a lot to catch up on. Right now I'm watching SNL, and getting ready for bed. So that's all folks.
Till Next Time

February 18, 2009


I have never been so tired in my life. Rehearsals every day from 5 to 9, plus homework, and trying to sleep. So my blog has been out of my mind. But the show opens soon, which is good. So here are some updates.

*We had our energy team competition, and we got 3rd place, which was good =]
* I got into coffee house, and the dress rehearsal is today, and the real thing Friday, which is exciting!!! =]
* My new room is coming along! My dad has been working on converting the garage into my room, and its almost done! I'm excited. =]
*I have a pre-calc project due tomorrow and no time to do it =[
So that's all folks. Just wanted to prove I am still breathing, even though I am dead tired.
Till Next Time

February 3, 2009

Stressing Like a Mug

This week is going to be crazy hectic. Biology project plus eight hour rehearsals equals cranky me. Sorry for not posting. =[
Till Next Time