December 30, 2008

Boredom Leads to Picnik

To begin, I am a horrible slacker. When I started this blog almost a year ago, I said I was going to post everyday. But lately my posting habits have changed. Mostly because I have nothing to talk about; my life is hopelessly boring right now. So, I've been contemplating on whether I should just post once a week. But I realized that I have time to post, I just haven't been. So, I should be getting back on track soon. Plus, blogging everyday gives me an opportunity to write, and it's improved my writing. Plus my blog is my child, I can't abandon it. So my vacation is over. Now it's time to catch up.

Yesterday was the start of driving school, where I spend three hours of my life being bored to tears. I mean, the instructor is nice, and he's pretty funny sometimes, it's just not an interesting subject. I mean, who wants to learn about driving? I know it's important, but it's still really dull. So hopefully it will get less boring... but I highly doubt it.

Today has been pretty boring, but I have been slightly productive. I've been on picnik for the last half-an-hour, and I've edited some cool pictures. The picture directly below this is from Hawaii, at the Arizona Memorial. I applied my favorite effect, Cinema Scope, which makes the picture look like an old-time movie, then added Vingette to make the bored, and draw attention to the center.

The picture below is from my trip up to New York's Wine Country. This is a light house on the beach. I added Cinema Scope, and 1960's tint, which makes the picture look older. That's another one of my favorite effects. Normally, I just edit photos of me and my friends, just for fun. But these two pictures I actually took a bit more seriously, trying to be artistic. =] But more than that, I wanted the pictures to look better then the original, which I think I suceeded in.

Till Next Time

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