September 30, 2008

I Wasn't Expecting That

Remember the guy I was telling you about yesterday, the one from my dreams? Well apparently he's like in love someone else. Yeah, it blows. But I'm okay right now. I think I'm gonna tell him how I feel, but not right now though, because I was just talking to him about this other girl. But I think I'll be okay, as long as he's still a friend to me, and doesn't become a jerk. Because I've had guy friends do that before, turn into jerks when they started dating another girl. Not cool man, not cool.

Today was pretty boring. Biology bored me to tears! I almost feel asleep in class today when Ms. Jenkins was lecturing, I was just so out of everything. Partly because I was woken up by my parents, mainly my dad, talking really loudly about the divorce. No fighting or yelling, but it woke me up and I couldn't fall asleep after that. World was a bitch, because of my stupid group. Obi lost the papers for our group work, and when we had to work on an essay in class, they weren't helping me at all! I hate having to do all the work in that stupid class! We spent the entire class period in english talking about Catcher in the Rye, which was good. Overall today was pretty boring, and shitty. Not my best day, but I did get invited to two parties in one day. Lol. Greek is on tonight! One more hour
Till Next Time

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