May 27, 2008

24 out of 26

That is a 92. I got a 92 on the last test of the year in Alg2 Trig, no 100, no McDonalds, and I gave Steven the right answer that I got wrong on my paper! UGGHHHHH that makes me so mad!  So today was pretty chill, nothing major. We had an in class write in English, did some sight singing in choir and talked about the 200 election in government. Tomorrow is graduation, which I must attended. It should be fun though. I spent the rest of the day reading at home and at James baseball game. I didn't pay attention at all, but apparently they won! I finished The Abstinence Teacher, so all I have left is Woman In Berlin and The Devil In the White City. I'm gonna hit they hay. I'm pretty sleepy.
Till Next Time

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