December 19, 2008

Finally FREE!

School is out and it is officially break! I am SOOOOO excited!

Too top it off today was a great day, minus the biology test I took second period. Lots of gifts, and no really work. So it was pretty chill. I got a really cute purse from my friend Ify for my birthday, and Tommy let me have Cutie Pie. She's a really cute dinosaur key chain, and I'm her in our little dino squad. She's quite adorable. Me and Tommy actually chilled like all 4th period long in Ms. Jenkins room after we finished writing our essays. And tonight is Page's holiday party that I am super excited for! Today has just been great! It started out bad, but got better and better as the day when on. AND, tomorrow is my birthday!!! I am SOOOOOOOO excited for that! I can't wait!

1 comment:

mariposa said...

Happy birthday!! :)

btw, thanks for the advice :)