November 15, 2008

Twilight T-Shirts and Movie Marathon

I spent the night at Paulina's house last night, which was lots of fun. We watched My Sassy Girl, Sweeny Todd, and Smart People. My Sassy Girl was great, so sweet and funny. I had the hardest time staying awake during Sweeny Todd, and Smart People was not as funny as I thought it was going to be. It was a good movie but I thought it would a lot funnier... like Juno. Oh well. Today I woke up early to go to James football game in South East DC. It took us forever to get there, becuse the directions were off. The field was really nice, but it was in such a crappy area. Not cool. Then I went to Page's house to make our shirts for the Twilight midnight premire! So excited. The bad part was getting home. My driving was soooooo bad. Then after eating, I worked with Ify on biology over the phone, and now I'm going to go to bed.
Till Next Time

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