September 12, 2008

Mini naps Make Me More Tired....

Today was pretty boring. Pre-calculus is boring me to tears, biology is annoying me extremely, we never finish what we're doing, plus a girl I really can't stand was in my lab group today and she wouldn't stop complaining about not feeling well. If your sick that is completely understandable, but no one wants to hear you complain about if for a half-an-hour. Mrs. Minor never finished voice placing, so we have to wait till Tuesday. English always seems to go by so fast, all we did was revise our opening paragraphs for our essays, and just do the first draft for monday. So that was my friday.

I took a nap about 2 hours ago, and slept for a little over an hour, and it definately made me more sleepy, and hungry. I jus finished eating my make-shift dinner, but I'm still kinda sleepy. I should probably turn a light on in my room, keepe things from being so dark... I am just so glad it is finally Friday!
Till Next Time

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