September 6, 2008

200 and Going Strong

This is the 200th post of The High and Low Notes of My Day!! How momentous! To bad today was pretty average. We had a ton of rain today from Tropical Storm Hannah, so I spent the majority of the day in my pajama's doing homework, cleaning my room, or going on the computer. We went up to Barnes and Nobles to get my book for AP world, and then we went to go get Popeye's for dinner. Then we went back up to the town center because my mom wanted to go to Lane Bryant to spend the coupon things she had there, so she ended up buying a ton of stuff there. We didn't leave the store until 10 o'clock, and now I'm here, on the computer. 

Tomorrow were going to go visit Sammy at the hospital. She's been doing much better, and there trying to get her up and moving, so she can get better. But she won't be getting out of the hospital till some time next week. Probably wednesday. Keep her in your thoughts please. 
Till Next Time

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