July 26, 2008

Worst Night's Sleep, Funnest Day Yet

Paulina slept over last night, and it was pretty fun in the beginning, but got gradually worse. We went out onto the roof, and took a bunch of pictures. We order food from Dominos since she hadn't eaten, but then things went sour, and not because of her. Trisha an James were horrible. I wanted to kill them. They would not stop screaming and James kept throwing stuff at us and trying to hurt us with his pool stick. They were so bad. I also had a major stomach ache and could not fall asleep. Once I was curled up in fetal position and about to fall asleep, my dad comes storming home, obviously pissed of and really drunk from the party, being loud as shit, so that woke me up. I woke up again at 4:30 when he woke up, and again at like 9 when Trisha and James got up to go on their hike. So the sleepover blew. But we made it up by going to the mall. I got two really cute pairs of underwear. One is black and has colorfully polka dots all over them, and they other pair is gray with hearts all over them. Very cute, and very cheep. One was free at Aerie and the other was on sale for 3 bucks. I also got new head phones for my iPod and some really good smelling lotion and nail polish. I call it a successful trip. After we went to the mall, we went to CVS to get Paulina's hair dye. She wanted to dye her hair dark brown with hints of red, so we mixed two different color together, but we had to use 3 bottles of hair dye because her hair is so think. It turned out more red then we intended, but it looked really good. Her mom doesn't think so, but whatever, we do. Now I just need to get all the pictures from this weekend on the computer.
Till Next Time

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