Music is my life; and this is my own little song, where I sing my heart out. If you don't like my sound, don't listen; otherwise, this is Ms.Music.Lover coming to you live from her mind. Now shut up and listen.
June 25, 2008
A Day at the Zoo
So today we all ventured to the zoo. It took us close to an hour to get there, with the amount of times we got lost and had to turn around, then it took us another hour to get home, as we drove through DC, trying to find our way to New York Avenue. The zoo was pretty fun. I got to see the pandas! Oh and tigers, and lions, and bears, oh my! Ha. So Paulina is sleeping over again. Lots of fun to be had.
Music is my life. School is what I love. I need to learn to relax more. But most of all, I try to live life to the fullest, and make the most of what I've been given. I hope to do great things one day, so you better watch out for Ms.Music.Lover
"You will make all kinds of mistakes: but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her." - Winston Churchill
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.- Berthold Auerbach
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