January 14, 2008

The Irony of the Poser

So, you all know the kid I'm talking about, right. The sort of dorky new guy who acts different than what he is to fit in. Well that poser in my school is one of my friends. Originally, when IU first met him, I thought he was coolish, but now that I've actually gotten to know him, I see his inner dork, which I like way better than the "cool guy" he was going for. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize quirky is more likable than cool. He tries so hard for the popular kids to like him, that they all end up thinking he's a stupid poser whose pretending to be something he's not. If he would just act the way he normally does, things would be fine, and people would like him. But he doesn't see it that way. Oh well, that is his loss. He really should have started public school earlier than 10 grade!

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