January 21, 2008

A Good Monday???

I didn't have school today, which is why today was a good monday! I woke up at 12, thanks to my mom who would not let me sleep! Oh well, today was fine. I didn't really do that much. Cleaned the house and did my homework. My dad is all excited about the Giants winning last night so he just bought a ton of Giant's T-Shirts with NFC Championship on them for everyone. If we win the SuperBowl he's gonna have to buy 6 more T-shirts and shot glasses and coins and basically a repeat of what we just went through. Oh well, I get cute shirt. ↑ That's the shirt! You can't see it very well, but trust me, it's cute. I'm excited for the Super Bowl! I better be home in time, since I'm going up to New York that weekend. Well, I'm going to go catch up on my One Tree Hill.
Till Next Time

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